Volunteer Ministry Leader Required Training Credit Options

All Volunteer Ministry Leaders are required to complete a minimum of two training credits each year (July - June).   

  1. One of these is a required annual online Abuse Prevention Refresher Course through Praesidium Academy (instructions below). 
  2. The second can include YFC large group trainings, ministry specific trainings, outside YFC youth ministry conferences and trainings, books, online modules, movies, and other ideas that you may suggest.  The following are some suggestions that you can use.  Do you have other ideas?  Perhaps a conference you have attended?  Please email Heidi (heidi@yfcdenver.org) if you have other ideas or training options you would like to use.

Required: Annual Online Abuse Prevention Refresher Course:

  1. This is required for anyone who completed the initial Armatus or Praesidium Academy online safety screening modules BEFORE July 1, 2020. If you completed these after that time, you will not need to complete this course this year. (You may choose a different training option)  This training is now done on the Praesidium Academy website (we formerly used the Armatus site).
  2. You should have received an invitation from Praesidium Academy to activate your account mid July 2021.  For many people, it went to their junk mail.  Please login to this account.
  3. If you have not received your invitation to create your Praesidium Academy account, please click here and visit this link, click forgot password, enter the original email you used to go through the screening videos on the Armatus system, and click the reset password button.  Check your junk mail if you do not see the message to reset your password from Praesidium Academy.
  4. Once you have gained access, set up your new account, answering the questions as indicated.  When asked to choose between volunteer or employee, please choose the appropriate designation. In the dropdown box for YFC chapter you are affiliated with, please choose "Denver". Click save and Continue.
  5. Please complete the "Abuse Prevention Refresher Course."
  6. You will be required to pass a short quiz at the end of the training module. (If you stop in the middle of a training module you will need to restart it again at the beginning.)
  7. Hit 'submit' after the quiz so we have a record that you took this training. (If you don't hit submit, there will be no record for our liability insurance provider that you did this training!)
  8. Please choose the option to return to the portal and click the certificate button. On this page there is another option to send an email. Please send the email to yourself and then forward to heidi@yfcdenver.org

Thank you for completing this required training. Our goal is the protection of all the youth in our programs, your personal protection, and the protection of the ministry of the Lord through Youth For Christ.

The Big Fall Training Event:

This event is for all Denver Area Youth For Christ Volunteer Ministry Leaders every Fall.  It includes training, breakfast, lunch, and annual volunteer recognition.  The Fall 2021 event will be November 6th.  Click here for more information.  *While not required, attendance at this event is highly encouraged and counts as one of your required training credits.

Upcoming Conference Opportunities:

Mentoring Summit through Mentor Colorado - Virtual Summit - October 12 - 14, 2021 | 11:30am - 1:30pm.  Information and Register here.

Mentoring Summit through Mentor Colorado - In-Person Summit - October 21, 2021 | 8:45am - 4:30pm.  Information and Register here.

Online Training Modules: 

Hours of Webinars available from the National Mentoring Resource Center Learning Hub.  Click here for a list and to access the videos.  Choose what you would like and email Heidi (heidi@yfcdenver.org) with which training you chose and what your take-aways are.  Each webinar counts as a training credit.

Webinar: Addressing Adolescent Depression and Suicide: Using Evidence-Based Prevention Program.  Click here to register.  Email Heidi (heidi@yfcdenver.org) your take-aways.  This counts for one training credit.


Choose any of the books below to read.  Email Heidi (heidi@yfcdenver.org) your take-aways.  Each book counts as a training credit.

Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson

Rethinking Incarceration: Advocating for Justice that Restores by Dominique DuBois Gilliard

Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Build Faith in Your Kids by Kara E Powell

Tattoos  on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion by Gregory Boyle

Toxic Charity: How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help, and How to Reverse It by Robert D Lupton

Biblical Reflections:

This is a video and series of guided exercises through the Youth For Christ Cultural Attributes.  Click here for the video and access to the excercies.  Choose what you would like and email Heidi (heidi@yfcdenver.org) with which exercise you chose and what your take-aways are.  Each exercise counts as a training credit.


Other Resources:

Not for training, but resources that JJM Facility volunteers leading small group discussions may find helpful:

Everyday Object Lessons for Youth Groups by Helen Musick and Duffy Robbins (Youth Specialties)

Bible Project: These are short (cartoon videos) that can be downloaded to a tablet and create good discussions.