Other Ways to Give

King Soopers Community Rewards Program


How does it work?

Simply log-in to your King Soopers (www.KingSoopers.com) or CityMarket (www.CityMarket.com) accounts, select Community Rewards, search for us (Denver Area Youth For Christ), and click enroll!  Then continue to use your SooperCard everytime you pay for purchases at King Soopers or City Market, just as you normally would!  If you don't have an account yet, you can create one and link your existing SooperCard to it.  If you don't have a SooperCard, stop by Customer Service at any King Soopers to get one.  You can call King Soopers Customer Service at 1-800-576-4377 with additional questions or if you are having difficulty logging into your account.

How does Denver Area Youth For Christ earn money?

Every time you swipe the card, King Soopers tracks the amount you spend to our reward account.  Once the total in any given month reaches $5,000, Denver Area Youth For Christ gets a check for 5% of the total.  It's that simple.  If we don't hit $5,000 in that month, the balance rolls forward to the next month and continues accumulating.

What if I have one of the old gift cards associated with the King Soopers Neighborhood Rewards Program?

Any money you have loaded onto these cards will never expire or go away.  However, after March 31, 2019, reloading these cards will no longer benefit Denver Area Youth For Christ.  Going forward, you can simply follow the steps above to link your SooperCard to us and then make sure you use that each time you make a purchase. 

Questions?  Email info@yfcdenver.org


donate to Denver Area Youth For Christ
Every time you
shop at Amazon!

Did you know that you can support Denver Area Youth For Christ through your everyday online shopping?  When you begin your Amazon purchases at http://smile.amazon.com rather than www.amazon.com, you can select Denver Area Youth For Christ as your favored organization.  Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price for all eligible shopping to Denver Area Youth For Christ.  It's as easy as that!  You shop, Amazon gives, DAYFC benefits.  Simply click here to link your amazon account with ours.  Even easier, click on the Smilematic image above and set your browser up to automatically direct you to Amazon Smile every time!

AmazonSmile customers can now support Denver Area Youth For Christ in the Amazon shopping app on iOS and Android mobile phones! Simply follow these instructions to turn on AmazonSmile and start generating donations.

  • Open the Amazon Shopping app on your device
  • Go into the main menu of the Amazon Shopping app and tap into 'Settings'
  • Tap 'AmazonSmile' and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process


Questions? Email info@yfcdenver.org

Colfax Marathon

Are you a runner?  When you run the Colfax Marathon, you can choose to run for your favorite non-profit through the Davita Charity Partners Program.  Money you raise for running will directly support Denver Area Youth For Christ when you choose us as your favorite non-profit.  The next Marathon Weekend is October 16-17, 2021.  More information is available here.


Employer Matching Gifts

Does your employer match employee giving?  Check with your Human Resources Department to find out!  Many employers will match all of or a portion of gifts made to charitable organizations.  Some companies even double, triple, or quadruple donations!  Did you know that only 9% of people take advantage of their employer's matching gift programs?!

Questions? Email info@yfcdenver.org

Colorado Gives

Colorado Gives Day is an annual statewide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Colorado through on-line giving.  It is a program of the Community First Foundation.  A portion of all gifts given to Denver Area Youth For Christ on Colorado Gives Day through their website will be matched by the Community First Foundation.  Colorado Gives Day 2021 is December 7, 2021.  More information is available at ColoradoGives.org




We are asking God to raise up an army of caring adults who will establish relationships with kids in Campus Life clubs and juvenile institutions, and with teen parents around Denver.  We need mentors, intercessors, financial partners and help in the office.  Wherever your gifts and talents lie, you can make an eternal difference in a young person's life!  In just a couple of hours a week, you can give life to a young person's story.  Get started today by clicking here.