Reaching into the darkest places... to bring young people into the light!

It isn’t easy being a teenager these days:

  • Suicide is the number one cause of death among teenagers ages 15-19.
  • The average teenager takes their first drink at age 13.
  • The average age at which a teen becomes sexually active is 15 for girls and 14 for boys.
  • In Colorado, over 10,000  young people between the ages of 10 and 21 are incarcerated every year.
  • On any given day there are 1627 kids locked up in Colorado.
  • Most people who don’t make a decision to follow Jesus in their teenage years, never do!

​Struggling with suicide? Drug/Alcohol Recovery? Unplanned Pregnancy? Other?  Click here for a list of Community Resources.

YFC reaches them on campuses & in their world...

Youth For Christ’s Campus Life Ministries staff and adult volunteers provide a positive influence on school campuses and in communities around the Denver area.

Weekly meetings typically include games, events and lively discussions. They are a safe and friendly place to learn life skills, think through important issues and to develop quality relationships with peers and caring adults.

Campus life has found that shared experiences between a student and supportive, caring adults helps students wrestle with issues they face and pursue a balanced life mentally, physically, socially and spiritually.

YFC reaches them in jails & city neighborhoods...

Youth For Christ’s Juvenile Justice Ministries staff and over one hundred adult volunteers provide Chaplaincy programs, one-on-one appointments, Bible Studies, Church Services and Mentoring, seeing over 3700 incarcerated and newly released youth every year. Serving youth in diversion, probation, detention, and committed facilities in the Denver Area, JJM staff and volunteers provide a continuum of ministry to youth as they make their way through the system.

Providing a hope and a future for teen parents

Youth For Christ's Parent Life reaches expectant and parenting teens and their children through intentional relationships with trained adults and community partnerships. Parent Life ministry empowers teen parents to make good choices and encourages them to further their education and move toward independent living and become life-long followers of Jesus Christ.