Be a Mentor with our Juvenile Justice Ministry!

Many factors account for the variety of reasons youth find themselves incarcerated in Colorado. Substance abuse, family life, and friends are just a few. A large percentage of currently incarcerated juveniles ran away from home in the year prior to being locked up. Life on the streets, for these kids, was more attractive than life at home.

Did you know?

  • The age of young people incarcerated in Colorado ranges between ten and twenty years old.
  • When they get released, juvenile ex-offenders often head straight back to the same influences that led to their delinquency in the first place.

At DAYFC, we believe that intervention begins with the establishment of healthy adult relationships.

Having a mentor can be the catalyst which breaks the cycle of crime in the life of a young offender. Thousands of incarcerated juveniles means thousands of mentors needed. 

Imagine what it would be like, to see young men and women being released from juvenile correctional institutions, set on a path toward becoming disciples of Christ rather than delinquents of culture. The payoff is unquestionably worth it! Millions of dollars each year could be invested on education, rather than spent on incarceration. Thousands of young people will turn from a path of darkness, to a path of light. Will you accept the invitation to change a life?

Become a Mentor