Thank you for your interest in serving as a volunteer with our City Life Ministry!

Our City Life Ministry currently serves the Southwest Denver area.


Please watch the following videos to give you an introduction to our City Life ministry.  You will need to watch the videos to answer the questions below (don't worry - they aren't difficult, and you can scroll down and read them at anytime!). If at any point you decide you would rather dig a little deeper into one of our other ministry models, simply back up and watch the videos for the corresponding online introduction.  After watching the videos, if you are interested in becoming a Ministry Leader (volunteer), simply complete the questions and information form at the bottom of the ministry page you are most interested in.

City Life is a relational, holistic, community-based ministry that desires to see deep change in an urban neighborhood through the raising of indigenous leaders from the young people in that community.

Working With High Risk Youth


1. Difference Between At-risk and High-risk


2. Survival Mode


3. What Does it Look Like in the Teens We Work With?


City Life Overview


4. History of City Life


5. Understanding the City Life Model


Culture Shock


6. Intro to Culture Shock


7. Practical Approach


8. How to Overcome Culture Shock


Next Steps: If you are interested in becoming a Ministry Leader (volunteer) with City Life, simply complete the questions and information form below and we will follow up with you:


Please note: An asterisk * indicates a required field.  You will receive an error message when you attempt to submit this form if you do not complete all of the required fields.