Online Introduction - Juvenile Justice Ministry

Thank you for your interest in serving as a volunteer with our Juvenile Justice Ministry!

Our Juvenile Justice Ministry reaches youth in facilities in Brighton, Denver, Golden, Lakewood, Westminster, Centennial, and Watkins and through mentoring relationships all over the Denver Area.


The process involved to become a volunteer in one of our facilities is a lengthy one and we thank you for your on-going patience!  To give you an idea of what each new volunteer will experience throughout, we have created a document detailing this process for you.  Please download it here and save a copy for your records. You will receive prompting from us as you go along, but it is always helpful to know what lies ahead!  So take a look, prepare yourself, and welcome to the journey!


Please watch the following videos to give you an introduction to our Juvenile Justice Ministry.  You will need to watch the videos to answer the questions below (don't worry - they aren't difficult, and you can scroll down and read them at anytime!). If at any point you decide you would rather dig a little deeper into one of our other ministry models, simply back up and watch the videos for the corresponding online introduction.  After watching the videos, if you are interested in becoming a Ministry Leader (volunteer), simply complete the questions and information form at the bottom of the ministry page you are most interested in.

Juvenile Justice Ministry engages youth by meeting them in a variety of youth-serving institutions (detention centers, probation, correctional facilities, group homes, residential treatment centers, emergency shelters) and desires to see them made new through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


1. Introduction


2. JJM Overview with Dan Wolgemuth


3. The History of JJM


4. What is JJM?


5. Why JJM?


6. JJM Focal Points


7. Understanding the System - Adult v. Juvenile


8. National Ministries


9. Next Steps


Next Steps: If you are interested in becoming a Ministry Leader (volunteer) with Juvenile Justice Ministry, simply complete the questions and information form below and we will follow up with you:


Please note: An asterisk * indicates a required field.  You will receive an error message when you attempt to submit this form if you do not complete all of the required fields.