Am I Doing Enough?
Posted on Monday, June 15, 2015 by
By Gareth Unruh, Assistant Director, Juvenile Justice Ministry, Denver Area YFC
Do you feel like the work you're doing is making an impact on your friends and community?
With the news headlines lately and the way our world is moving, I ask myself this question daily:
Am I doing enough?
I recently received a call from a mentor Clete who was matched as a faith coach/mentor to “Adam,” the mentee. Adam is a parolee and has been going with Clete to church, has “adopted” grandparents from that church now, does community service there and is growing in his relationship with Christ and others! The local church is the hope of the world! “Enough” with God is always ENOUGH!
What is God asking you to do for Him?
Do you realize that He is the one to do the work?
What is He saying about your “work” for Him?
If you have a passion for young people and are interested in learning more about becoming a mentor, a Bible study leader or another type of YFC volunteer, we'd love to chat with you. Check out for more info.
This article originally appeared on and is being republished by permission.