Stories (Blog)

Archives: April 2015

5 Reminders About Communication In Youth Ministry

4/30/2015 in Category

By Jay Higham, senior pastor of Harvest Church in Western PA (and over 20 years of youth ministry experience)

Every once in awhile, even the most experienced youth worker needs to be... More

This is Going to Take a While

4/24/2015 in Category

By Gareth Unruh, Assistant Director, Juvenile Justice Ministry, Denver Area YFC

Studies tell us that the youth I work with will not be fully mature until age 25, their prefrontal cortex... More

Why Support YFC Denver

4/16/2015 in Category

This Saturday is our annual YFC Auction. With something for everyone, this event is a fun and rewarding affair. And not just because of the stuff. When you take part in the YFC Auction, you... More

What Would You Do If You Knew You Couldn’t Fail?

4/10/2015 in Category

By Andy Blanks, co-founder of youthministry360

Think about your youth ministry. Think about your philosophy, your programming, your team, your facilities, your methodology . . . Put all... More

Meet Sam from Campus Life

4/2/2015 in Category

Sam is a student at Youth for Christ’s Campus Life ministry here in Denver. A middle school student who was born and raised in a Christian home, he accepted Christ as his Savior when he was... More