Celebrating Our Adult Leaders
Posted on Wednesday, May 30, 2018 by
By Kevin Lengerich, Campus Life Site Director
Wed, Feb. 14: Stoneman Douglas Shooting, Parkland, Florida
Wed, Feb. 21: Brighton High School has a shooting threat
Fri, Feb. 23: BHS has second shooting threat
Fortunately, no shooting occurred at BHS. I was there all day on the 21st to support and encourage those who showed up (only about 25% of the students).
On Friday, February 23rd, our ministry team showed up to serve breakfast as we do every Friday at BHS during the school year. Here’s what happened:
Darla, one of our adult leaders, sat down with two freshmen girls.
She asked them what it’s like being in high school.
They both expressed their constant fear about being the next shooting victim.
Darla asked if she could pray with them.
They agreed.
The next Friday at breakfast, the girls approached Darla and immediately gave her a hug.
I am thankful for Darla and the many other adult leaders in Brighton and around Denver who take the time to step into schools and facilities to be the face of Jesus to lost, hurting teens.
Our needs are great, though: Pray for our teens. Today they are our mission field. Soon they will be our leaders. May God raise up more adult leaders to love and lead our teens in truth.
"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Matthew 9:37-38
Thank you for being a part of the ongoing conversation with youth in our city and helping us share God’s story. We continue to seek out answers to how to best reach the next generation with the life-changing truth of Jesus. It's our honor to be the storytellers on your behalf who meet kids right where they are and give life to their story. We are dedicated to introducing the love of Christ into the stories of today’s kids.
Providing young people in our community with the opportunity to make an informed decision to be a follower of Jesus Christ and become part of a local church.