Do You Think God Will Forgive Me This Time?
Posted on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 by

By Claire Froehlich, Juvenile Justice Chaplain
Underneath “the Opioid Epidemic” infecting Denver and many other American cities has come word of a drug cartel cult called “Santa Muerta”, literally “Saint Death”. If you ask for her help, she requires a sacrifice of something you love, complete devotion and if betrayed, she promises to take something you love. It isn’t hard to see the demonic nature of this cult or the fear, destruction, crime and death it creates.
I’ve wondered if our news ever went from reporting on “An Opioid Epidemic” to “A Demonic Epidemic” how many people would sit up and take notice?
“Nick”, a thin, tattooed, Hispanic , 17 year old nonchalantly asked if we could meet.
“I always come back to God when I get locked up but I worry that He won’t forgive me this time. My gang worships Santa Muerta and I’ve been praying to her. I heard her say ‘If you ever stop praying to me, I will kill you and hurt your family’. Do you think God will forgive me this time? I’m worried about my family and that Santa Muerta will hurt them.”
“Nick, do you remember when the disciples asked Jesus, ‘How many times must we forgive someone? Seven times?’ They thought they were giving Jesus a really high number. Jesus replied, ‘I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven.’ It means we need to forgive others an unlimited amount just as God’s forgiveness is unlimited. He forgives everyone who comes to Him and asks for forgiveness.”
“As far as Santa Muerta, that sounds like Satan’s gig…he loves to threaten and control through fear. But he cannot stand up to Jesus. Would you like to pray together for Jesus to protect you and your family and for forgiveness?’
‘Yeah, and pray that I stay true and loyal to Jesus. I’m tired of always falling back into my old ways.”
Nick bowed his head and let me pray on his behalf. Every so often I get a gang member who opens his heart and shares something similar but the influence of family and friends still involved in drugs is hard to get away from to walk a new path.
Thank you for fighting for young men like Nick, that they can have a new life in Christ and bring good news of freedom from fear to those in their communities.
Thank you for being a part of the ongoing conversation with youth in our city and helping us share God’s story. It's our honor to be the storytellers on your behalf who meet kids right where they are and give life to their story.
Providing young people in our community with the opportunity to make an informed decision to be a follower of Jesus Christ and become part of a local church.