I Could Really Use Someone to Talk to
Posted on Friday, May 12, 2017 by
By Gareth Unruh, Director of Denver Area YFC Juvenile Justice Ministries
Ryan and I had worked together since 2007. He had a mentor who even took him in at one point after he had graduated from our program. The following is part of a conversation last December when he felt like he had hit rock bottom...
"I could really use someone to talk to."
"What's going on, we haven't connected in a long time?"
"I'm still trying to beat my heroin addiction; I need help from a church or something."
"I know you have been going to a number of churches and have recently gone with your mentor to his. Is there something else that they aren't meeting your needs?"
"I just don't think I can do this anymore. It's too hard, life would be a lot easier if I was just gone."
"You know you matter to me, your mentor, your family, your friends, the people at your church...you have like 4 pastors who call you theirs. I know it is hard right now but you have a God who has experienced everything you feel and are going through right now. Can I pray with you?"
"That would be good."
Ryan lost his battle with heroin last month. I remember sitting with him after his last attempt pleading with him to trust what Jesus says about him and how much he was loved. One thing I've learned over the years is they have to make the choice to surrender to Christ moment by momet; I cannot do it for them.
Not all of our stories are one's of success! Would you pray for our youth who are hurting and broken? Would you pray for our volunteers and staff as they work in the trenches every week to fight for these young people?!
Thank you for being a part of the ongoing conversation with youth in our city and helping us share God’s story. It's our honor to be the storytellers on your behalf who meet kids right where they are and give life to their story.
Providing young people in our community with the opportunity to make an informed decision to be a follower of Jesus Christ and become part of a local church.