Return on Faithfulness
Posted on Friday, June 17, 2016 by
By Dan Marlow, Denver Area Youth for Christ Executive Director
In the business world, a fundamental concept is “Return On Investment” or ROI. The profit a company makes on an investment must exceed the amount invested, or there will be problems.
In Youth for Christ (YFC), we certainly think about ROI, but it isn’t the only consideration. Should we start a new ministry site? Hire a new staff? Spend such and such an amount on a bus? We work hard at being good stewards of God’s Kingdom dollars which are sacrificially given by you and others like you. We are always cognizant in our decisions on the wisest use of those funds.
I want to suggest another measurement; ROF -- “Return On Faithfulness.”
I believe this is closer to what God’s business model entails. What is the ROF on the dollars you invest in the mission of YFC?
- A middle school or high school student understands the love of Jesus for the first time
- A struggling teen mom receives help and godly mentoring
- A young man in the juvenile system hears that God loves him
- 100 high school students go on the Campus Life Spring Break trip and many make first time decisions to follow Jesus
- A small group of incarcerated girls learn they are beautiful creations of a God who loves them
- A family whose son is struggling with addiction receives help
Sometimes, measuring ROI makes it difficult to determine whether we’re successful, especially in the short term. Thinking in terms of ROF is a better way. Faithfulness is what God calls us to. Faithfulness in the stewardship of the funds He provides and faithfulness to the young lives he entrusts to us is our task. The ROI of all of that is in His hands.
There is one additional aspect of ROF that is specifically for you. The Apostle Paul says it this way: “I seek not the gift, but the credit which is added to your account…” When you give to the YFC mission, there is a return on your faithfulness that God credits to you! Young people’s lives are changed for eternity, and that is a huge Return On Your Faithfulness! Thank you for your partnership in this mission.
Our fiscal year is quickly coming to a close, and we want to finish in the black. Please consider an additional gift to sustain this mission before the end of June. Thank you!