What Campus Life Means to Me

Posted on by Heidi Brunsting

By Andi Woodring, Director of Campus Life Ministries

We asked our students to finish the statement…“What Campus Life means to me…”  We invite you to hear directly from them:

It is a place you can be yourself. There is no judgement. Campus Life is the best! George 8th grade

Campus Life to me is a family~ Julie 8th grade (she really underlined family grin )

A fun and welcoming place to bring people to Christ. ~ Brock 11th grade

Today was my first day coming, and I’m so glad I did. Everybody is very kind and friendly and weird. I hope others can come too. ~ Mikey 7th grade

It means that it’s a safe place for me to talk about issues with my friends and leaders. ~ Tiffany 10th grade

If somebody asked me what the best thing that has ever happened to me, I would say Campus Life. It is an amazing place to talk about things you are struggling with and to grow deeper in your faith with God.~Avery 9thgrade

I LOVE Campus Life and don’t know what I would do without it!  ~ Annie 7th grade

Thank you for being a part of the ongoing conversation with youth in our city and helping us share God’s story.  It's our honor to be the storytellers on your behalf who meet kids right where they are and give life to their story.

Providing young people in our community with the opportunity to make an informed decision to be a follower of Jesus Christ and become part of a local church.

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