What Does it Take?
Posted on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 by
What does it take to change a young life for eternity?
Last weekend Denver Area YFC, in partnership with Colorado Christian University, held a soccer tournament. A number of boys from the city neighborhood ministry played against the girl’s soccer team. It was a great time. The kids interacted well. They played hard and had fun. We’ve been doing these soccer tournaments for some time now.
After the tournament, there was a short program and the opportunity was given to respond to Christ. Two young men went forward and publicly committed their lives to Jesus! When our staff guy, Lucas, told me this story, he was so excited because he had been working with those two guys for over four years!
God had been working on them for their entire lives!
What does it take to change a young life for eternity?
It takes committed adults who play soccer. It takes a staff person to hang in there for the long haul. It takes the unseen work of the Holy Spirit. It takes Bible Studies and conversations and trips to the pizza place. It takes special events and people who share the gospel. It takes mentors and volunteers who build relationships with kids. It takes interruptions and late night phone calls. It takes many hours of prayer and intercession. It takes people who give of their finances.
It takes whatever it takes.
It takes you!
We have a huge calling and a huge vision. We are asking God to allow us to reach more and more youth in Denver. Your prayers, and financial giving and partnership make it possible. You are helping to change young lives for eternity!