You Go With Me

Posted on by Heidi Brunsting

By Gareth Unruh, Assistant Director, Juvenile Justice Ministry, Denver Area YFC

When I tell the story of what I do, I get a few responses: 

  1. That must be really rewarding. 
  2. I can’t fathom doing anything like that.
  3. Thank you for what you do.

The truth is that you go with me...

  • When I shuttle around Tony, a young man in a step-down program who's looking for an apartment, we talk about relationships, most importantly his relationship with Christ … you are with me.
  • When I’m hiking the trail of North Table Mountain with one of our newest mentor matches, Jess (the mentor) and Marge (the mentee), and hear Marge share how hard it is to be at home right now and how deeply she trusts her mentor, opening her heart to the hope that Christ can bring through Jess … you are with me.
  • When I sit with Damen, a young man locked up in a facility, who hasn’t been able to see his son for 9 months and feels like he's lost control; longing to be the father that his Heavenly Father has shown him how to be, he trusts and hopes in the new life Christ has given him … you are with me.
  • When I sit in a meeting at a group home with six young men who are mad at life, their families, the system, and all authority, and we talk about what their lives COULD look like and what would make them feel most fulfilled; Christ enabling me to de-escalate the tension in the room while allowing His peace to permeate their lives … you are with me.
  • When I sit with a young man who has been hospitalized for the 12th time after attempting suicide and not succeeding … you are with me.
  • When I am training staff working with this population all over the nation to be more effective and have greater lasting impact … you are with me.

I thank my God for you, every time I remember you. I recognize without your prayers, sacrificial giving and friendship I would not be able to meet the needs of the youth, volunteers and YFC staff I serve! Thank you for doing this ministry with me.

As for other matters, brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you. (2 Thessalonians 3:1)

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